Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Desiree Davila Collects Whiskey

As if we needed another reason to think Desiree Davila is über cool: See this quote from today's USA Today:

Desiree Davila: "Yes, I collect whiskey. It's fun to just sit down, kick back and have a drink. We have some friends that are really into it. I probably have 15 or 20 bottles."
DD At the 2012 Boston Marathon Expo (looks like she has a bottle water, but who knows?)

Wonder if drinking whiskey is part of her training regimen?  If so, I will have to start my collection today!  

I wonder what the odds are if she will medal in the Olympics?  I guess it is dependent on weather/depth of the competition.


  1. As if i needed a reason to love her even more!

    1. Agreed! It shows that she is not some robot that just runs and runs and would not be fun to hang with. I also think it is cool that she mostly trains in the Midwest (Michigan) and not at some fancy schmancy training facility in the mountains.
